Tag: ml

  • sig-mlops


    https://lists.cd.foundation/g/sig-mlops This is a public list for the CDF MLOps SIG. All meetings and discussions are held in the open, and everyone is welcome to join. The current membership, calendar, and meeting documents can be found at https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-mlops. the Sig-MLOps 2021 roadmap speaks volumes to me and my experience as a machine learning phd student… At…

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  • github/coqui-ai: mitigating tts misuse discussion

    original posted here: https://github.com/coqui-ai/TTS/discussions/1036 I’ve spent most of my PhD figuring out ways to attack Mozilla DeepSpeech but my PhD supervisor and I spent some time discussing this topic for generative image models so I’m gonna chip in here… I’ll heavily caveat: I’m not up to speed on TTS in the slightest (abusing properties of…

    Read This Post: github/coqui-ai: mitigating tts misuse discussion